Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Reason #3 to Be Pissed at Microsoft

Damn, I forgot perhaps the most important reason here to be frustrated at this week's announcements.

Let me first refresh your memory with another quote from way-back-when (this time, from around November):

"At this point we’re not ready yet to roll out a bigger hard drive. I can tell you what people tell me they do to get around this. What they do is they put their Live account on a memory unit and then they have one hard drive that they put their games or related content on, and then they have another drive that they put their movies and TV on." [link, Wired via GamersReports]

Got that? Turns out this is horrible, horrible advice -- aside from the insane cost of having to shell out $100 (at the time) for each supplementary drive in this ridiculous scenario.

Here's better advice: Don't run out and buy one of the upcoming 120GB drives in hopes of consolidating your multiple Xbox 360 drives. You won't be able to!

That's according to a Microsoft Japan press release, located here.

What were you even thinking, listening to Microsoft in the first place?


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