Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Hotel Dusk: Room 215

The DS is known for being on the cusp of innovation. Back when it was nothing more than a rumor, skeptics were already wondering how two screens could effectively be used in a gaming machine. No one could have predicted how successful that small portable device would become. Now, over a year later, Nintendo still holds on to the top slot in portable gaming, beating even the more powerful Sony PSP.

Gamers know that it's not the power of the system that makes it popular, it's the games. The DS never fails to impress with its refreshing play mechanics that make even the old seem new. On January 25th (22nd in the US) DS owners will be treated to yet another invention, ウィッシュルーム 天使の記憶 (Wish Room: Angel's Remembrance), or for you US gamers, Hotel Dusk: Room 215.

The game is being described as a DS mystery novel. Players will hold the DS on its side and use the stylus to interact with other characters that appear on screen. Hotel Dusk is very interactive and your treatment of characters will highly affect certain outcomes. Though we haven't gotten our copy yet, what we have seen is reminiscent of the Sega CD title, Snatcher, where you control a detective in a scenario very similar to that of Blade Runner.

This story however, revolves around a former NYPD detective, now salesman, named, Kyle Hyde. Set in 1979, Hyde comes to Hotel Dusk in LA, where he gets caught up in an old mystery and discovers that room 215 holds mysteries of its own; one being the supposed ability to grant wishes. Hotel Dusk: Room 215 looks sure to please fans of story driven, puzzler type games.

Hikari will report more once the game releases and we are able to put in some play time. For now, whet your appetites with a look at the Japanese trailer and a run through of the official site.

1 comment:

Chojin said...

Looks excellent, cant wait for it.